Monday, August 1, 2011


Well this is awkward.

If you were to glance down the page at the previous timestamps and wonder aloud "this guy created this blog over two years ago, barely posted in it, and then dropped off the face of the earth! I wonder if he's dead?" then I would completely understand your confusion. And despite appearances I haven't done that exactly. Here? Yes, I've been completely absent in this space. But there is another place you can go to check out my work that I have been keeping up-to-date.

I mainly wanted to post this since it's the link most readily returned by a Google search. For prospective employers, please go there to evaluate my work. Other people are welcome to check it out as well!

I will eventually find a use for this blog, possibly as a sketch dump or something. But anyone trying to view my professional work should follow that link.


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